Sold individually. Smooth stamp for depressing to create shadow and 3D effects:
F890 Extra Small:
2mm x 3mm (5/64" x 7/64")
F891 Small
3mm x 4mm (7/64" x 5/32")
F895 Medium
5mm x 6mm (3/16" x 15/64")
F896 Large
8mm x 10mm (5/16" x 25/64")
Often used in figure carving and can be used to create more elaborate landscape and pictorial work. This smooth stamp is useful for creating shadow, depth and 3D effect for example on animals and faces or around edges. For more ideas see the wonderful book Figure Carving by Al Stohlman.
Note: sizes are approximate and are given as height by width.
Carving stamps are made from a high quality ferrous steel which gives a consistent sharp and clear impression time after time. These can be identified from cheaper metal alternatives by checking to see if they are magnetic. Each tool has an integral steel handle measuring approximately 10.5cm, 4 ¼” and has a textured non-slip area for easier gripping.
This image shows the smooth beveller in use to highlight texture and shadow on a Celtic pattern, to allow give the impression of where the lines go underneath each other.

The photo was taken on one of our Carving Workshops days.